Meeting Schedule

Members and friends are welcome for a social morning tea each Monday @ 11

Venue:  Pirrama Park Kiosk (PPK), Pyrmont.

Contact Libby Hindmarsh 0404 492 444

Information Sessions

Pyrmont Supports meets four times a year for informative discussions.

All meetings are held at The Station, 58 Bowman Street Pyrmont.

2024 Dates

Brunch @ Zebra Lounge at 9.30am 

(every 2nd month on first Friday)

5th JULY,  6th SEPT, 1st NOV.


                         INFORMATION SESSIONS

9.30am Saturday 8th June 

                       Mitra Gusheh(CEO) Glebe Youth Service

9.30am Saturday 14th September

AGM followed by a talk by Allan Davis 

on his recent trip to India 

9.30am Saturday 16th November 

Our options for Aged Care

Speaker TBA